
The Old Collegiate Girls’ Guild (OCGG) is an association of past pupils of Collegiate Girls’ High School.

The OCGG was founded in 1910. Its chief aim is the cultivation of friendship among former pupils of Collegiate and the maintenance of their active interest in the school and its current pupils.

All girls who have left the Junior and Senior schools, provided they attended the high school for at least two years, are eligible for membership. Girls who spent only their Matric year at Collegiate are also eligible.

Please update your details here.

Old Girls’ Committee


Chelley-Anne Heyneke (née Richards)

Vice President / Treasurer

Claire Loyson (neé Chowles)

CGHS Representative / AGM Secretary

Shelly-Anne Arthur (née Wakeford)

CJS Representative

Siobhan Day


Faith Biggs

Bursary Secretary / Archives Assistant

Patricia Bransby (née Mellon)


Suzanne Fincham (née Schoeman)

Events Assistant

Kim Comley (née Johnson)

Committee Members

Nicola Broadbent (née Kelly)

Rochelle Fowlds (née Klopper)

Rachel Heyneke

Malindré King (née Gerber)

Arwen Oberholzer (née Bowman)

Claire Phelps (née Charlton-Perkins)

Catherine Richards (née Cornish)

Wendy Sieg (née Wright)

Nicola Unwin (née Peters)

Rosemary von Wildemann (née Cocks)

Catherine Waudby (née Bransby)

Jenny Yates

Latest alumnae news


2 Mar 2025

Millicent Mary Ben Armitage, née Pike (age 98) attended Collegiate Girls' High School from 1939-1944. Millicent was a boarder, Head of St Michael’s House, a prefect and played 1st team hockey. Her great-granddaughter, Michaela McNicol (right) is currently in Grade 7 at Collegiate Junior School for Girls and participates in water polo, swimming and netball.Michaela's family said they are proud to send her to a school with such incredible history.

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Reunion Dinner 2024

8 Nov 2024

Reunion Dinner 2024 was a momentous occasion with tickets selling out in record time and Old Girls travelling from far and wide to attend the Sesquicentenary celebrations. It was incredibly special having it in the Stevenson Hall, with the Dinner having returned to school in 2023. Old Girls’ enjoyed a memorable evening together at their alma mater and it was fantastic to witness the excitement of seeing each other again.

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8 Nov 2024
Pat Bransby

On Saturday 19 October 2024, the OCGG Committee held their annual Seniors’ Tea for all those living locally and from the Matric Classes of 1970 and earlier. This event is always an enjoyable time of reconnection with old friends and an opportunity to get an update on the Schools from both the High and Junior School Principals.

This year’s Tea, being part of the celebration of the School’s 150 Years, was a chance to recognise once more, how fortunate we have all been to have spent our formative years at a school like Collegiate, an institution steeped in enduring values.

We also took the opportunity to recognise and thank two stalwarts, Elizabeth Potts and Margo Schuin, who are retiring from the committee, for their exceptional 48 and 31 years respectively of service – years in which they have played such vital roles with great spirit and character.

The accompanying photographs convey the camaraderie of the Tea and show the wonderful eats provided by the school’s official caterers.

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Please forward any news, updates or photos to be shared with the Collegiate community to We would love to hear from you!

Honouring the memory of Pam Ellis

Members of all the reunion groups of 2019 are encouraged to donate to the school’s Collegia Trust Legacy 2024 Project, in honour of the late Miss Pam Ellis. Your contributions will help fund your choice of academic or performing arts development (scholarships and facilities), both initiatives close to Miss Ellis’s heart. The proposed Music Centre, designed by Millennia Architects, will be situated behind the gym hall, between the tennis and squash courts. It will provide rehearsal rooms for the bands, choir and various ensembles, as well as individual and class teaching rooms. It has also been designed in such a way that a second-floor auditorium and drama and dance studios can be added in a second phase.

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  • PG22 Founders Assem WEB 5
  • Reunion Pic
  • Stevenson hall
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  • PG22 Founders Assem PRINT 3
  • Website Alumni Photo Gallery 53
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Founders’ Day 2022