Collegiate prides itself on its academic excellence, providing a balanced education in the sciences, humanities and arts. Both inside and outside the classroom, the approach emphasises a curriculum which will equip pupils with the skills and confidence needed in a changing world. Collegiate has through the years maintained a high work ethic which is evident in our outstanding results over many years. We have a dedicated team of experienced teachers, each contributing to the success of our learners academically.
There is an extra-curricular peer tutoring system in Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Accounting, French (SAL - second additional language) and isiXhosa (FAL - first additional language). This support programme is supervised by subject teachers. There is also an English (HL - home language) and Afrikaans (FAL - first additional language) tutoring programme at which the tutoring is done by language teachers.
A tutoring service called “The Studying Sisterhoods” offers peer tutoring across all subjects and also covers assistance in time management skills, organising skills and study skills. Furthermore, girls are encouraged to participate in various competitions in order to widen their learning experience. The school offers a Homework Hub in our junior grades to assist learners with critical skills in English and Mathematics.
Collegiate has a proud association with Elevate Education and our learners have access to the Elevate platform, which has a wealth of resources. These can be accessed on the study skills student platform: https://zastudent.elevateeducation.com/. The password can be requested from the Deputy Principal: Curriculum. There are also resources for parents as well as free webinars that parents can sign up for. The site for parents is: https://za.elevateeducation.com/parent-info.
Collegiate has a wide subject choice. We follow the promotion requirements as set out by the national Department of Education.
The learning environment includes a well-equipped resource centre, with an e-library powered by OverDrive, and two computer laboratories, where the girls have controlled access to the internet for research and educational purposes. The school also has a bring your own device policy and, with the campus having full Wi-Fi access, girls can access the internet and the school learner network at any time. It is compulsory for all girls to have a device, and textbooks and resources are available on the miEbooks app, powered by ITSI.
All classrooms are equipped to use technology in teaching and learning. There are Apple TVs, data projectors and Wi-Fi access in all rooms.