Scarf for alumnae

Heather Dutton joined Collegiate Girls’ High School in April 2022 in the capacity of Development and Fundraising Officer. When asked in her interview what one of the first things she would implement if successful in securing the position, she answered that it would be a scarf so that Old Girls could be identified as such when returning to their alma mater.
An art competition was launched with the learners’ involving them in the process and designs were submitted for judging. The judging panel comprised of senior management, the Head Girl and Deputy Head Girl, as well as Head of the School Governing Body and Head of the Old Collegiate Girls’ Guild. It was important that it was inclusive and that every aspect of the school was represented in the process.
The winner of the competition was Grade 11 learner Kayla Preston, who was delighted that her design was chosen. The manufacturing process has begun and every Matric learner will receive one when becoming an Old Girl each year. Past Old Girls’ will also have the opportunity to purchase a scarf ahead of the 150th Jubilee Celebrations in 2024.
Kayla won a voucher from fashion designer, Kelly Mae Bespoke, as well as a deluxe beauty and hair styling voucher from Bliss Hair and Skincare, both of whom are Old Girls’.
Heather said “It has been an exciting project to facilitate, as everyone involved in the process has left a legacy in Collegiate’s rich history, which is incredible!”