Farewell, Mrs Shaw

1 Feb 2023
Mrs Erasmus

An extract from the Staff Report in the 2006 school magazine reads: “Miss Sandra Goosen went off early in the second term on extended sick leave and we are most grateful to Mrs Heather Shaw, who stepped in with such good grace at very short notice in the Mathematics Department.” The then Headmistress, Miss Ellis, assured Mrs Shaw that it would be for a short time only. Fortunately, time is relative and it would be almost 17 years later, before we would say farewell to Mrs Shaw.

Always humble, Mrs Shaw did not want any farewell or fuss to be made over her. She said she arrived quietly and would leave quietly. However, it is always fitting to pay tribute to one who has given so much so selflessly to so many.

For the first few years at Collegiate, Mrs Shaw taught only Mathematics before moving into Geography in 2009 and taking over as subject head of Geography in 2014. Passionate about bringing her subject to life, Mrs Shaw has been on many Geography outings, camps and rafting trips down the Orange River (and tutored Maths).

For several years, Mrs Shaw was the Grade Head for Grade Eight learners and her welcoming nature and constant positivity made each new girl feel that she belonged at Collegiate very quickly. She taught the girls the values of respect, service and gratitude not only through words, but by example. In more recent years, when called on to do so, Mrs Shaw was the House Head of Mary House and tackled this task with equal vigour.

A natural teacher, Mrs Shaw exercises great patience and has always been willing to spend time in the afternoons assisting girls who might be struggling academically. This carried over into the Hostel where Mrs Shaw has assisted many boarders at evening prep over a number of years.

Teaching is always so much more than academic work and much about life is learnt through extra-murals. Mrs Shaw has spent many hours on the sports fields with learners teaching them skills and then accompanying them to their sports fixtures.

Her wonderful gift of encouragement would uplift the girls and she would take delight in celebrating their success. At Collegiate she has coached hockey, athletics, swimming, supervised public speaking at All Girls Festivals and managed teams on many tours, not only locally, but also internationally. What a privilege it was for the Hockey Teams in 2011 and 2013 to travel to Holland with Mrs Shaw, a former South African Hockey player herself.

Mrs Shaw has been a stalwart at Collegiate, having served the teaching profession well and touched many lives. She is hardworking, level-headed, loyal and caring, with many stories to tell in a witty and heartfelt way. May she enjoy her adventure in the UK, continue to touch lives and bring joy, always.