Weekly Activities News: 17-04-2023 to 21-04-2023
While most people were still asleep, three buses were packed and ready to depart with half the school on board. The enthusiastic Collegiate Sport and Music learners on board were heading to Stellenbosch for a one-night stay-over to compete in the Rhenish Derby. The Collegiate teams were eager to represent our school with pride which they did wholeheartedly.
Upon arrival, our learners were treated to the kind hospitality of the host school whose warm reception made everyone feel at home. These and similar thoughtful gestures by hosts and guests alike serve as a reminder of how the world receives Collegiate for the values evident in our conduct. Our girls were champions in every possible way – from how they took to their respective activities to their manners off the field in more social contexts. Furthermore, the Collegiate learners showed respect towards the host school's facilities and equipment, demonstrated good sportsmanship and fair play during games and were courteous and polite towards all staff and peers.
The Chess teams won one match, but lost two while Rhenish received a bye, resulting in a loss of 4-1 for Collegiate. Despite the outcome, Rhenish proved themselves to be a formidable opponent. However, Collegiate remains determined and confident, looking forward to the next opportunity to compete against Rhenish at the National All Girls Festival, with the belief that we will emerge victorious.
The classical composer, Joseph Haydn, once remarked that he was the result of his hard efforts. If Haydn were in Stellenbosch to hear Maria Freerks play, he certainly would have had the same to say about her reaping the rewards of her diligent work ethic. Maria played a "Rondo" on the piano. Equally committed to their music practice, Bronwyn Shone played a "Concertpiece" on the clarinet while the skilled trumpeter, Thandwayo Njezula, performed "Lucky to be me". The music girls are accompanied by the talented musician and teacher, Mrs Agenbag.
Three of our debaters participated in the annual Rhenish derby. They debated under the motion THR the rise of cancel culture, defining cancel culture as the popular practice of withdrawing support for public figures and companies after they have done or said something considered objectionable or offensive. This cancelling is often performed on social media in the form of group shaming." After an exhilarating debate with some contentious arguments presented, we are extremely proud to announce that our debaters emerged victorious.
At the start of the April holiday, our Hockey players travelled to Gauteng where they competed in the St Mary’s Waverley Hockey Festival. We congratulate the First Team Hockey for finishing in 4th position. This prestigious festival plays host to the top 32 schools in the country and is one of the major highlights on the hockey calendar.
The U/14 A Hockey Team participated in the annual Rob Taylor Festival. They played with determination and skill as they are a well-drilled team with a passionate and knowledgeable coach.
The results of a full-house of wins:
Won 2-1 vs QGHS
Won 3-0 vs Stirling
Won 1-0 vs Parel Vallei
Won 12-0 vs Cambridge
This April was a sporting holiday. We are proud to announce that our First Team Netball ended 6th out of 32 teams in the Annual St Andrews Netball Tournament in Johannesburg. It is an incredible achievement, and we are excited to watch this team go from strength to strength this season.
In Term One, on two occasions, Collegiate strengthened its ties with St Augustine’s Primary School.
On Monday 13 February, our Interact learners visited St Augustine. The focus was a presentation by the Interact learners at their assembly. Our learners spoke of the different love languages that we have and how we can use them to uplift others. They were invited on a tour of their school and were delighted to see the positive spaces that have been created at the school. It was a humbling moment that made Collegiate teachers and learners evermore grateful for what we have.
Furthermore, on 28 March, twenty-one Grade Seven St Augustine girls visited Collegiate. Mrs Nel and Mrs Gerber really enjoyed getting to know the girls. The first part of the tour was a History lesson, showing the learners a bit of the art work around the foyer, the statue representing women who served in World War One. The emphasis was on heritage, the changing role of women over time and the importance of service above self. Mrs Nel said that her heart was filled with appreciation and joy when the girls started to sing the St Augustine school song in the Stevenson Hall. The girls also enjoyed spending time in the Resource Centre, where they watched Collegiate debaters in action. The motion was: ‘This House believes that we should all be vegetarian.’ Mr Beynon then facilitated a fun Phys-Ed session. Mr Beynon commented that, “It was a privilege and honour to host the learners from St Augustine on Tuesday morning. We had so much fun together and the core focal point was teamwork. We began the session with an Easter Egg hunt and then followed that up with some relay races. The session ended off with some dancing and gave the learners an opportunity to show me ‘their moves’. It was a wonderful morning with the learners and as always, reminds me that any opportunity to work with learners remains a blessing and a passion.”
Tracy Topkins, a St Augustine teacher commented that the morning went really well. She said of her learners that, ‘Their facial expressions said it all… priceless.’
Collegiate’s interactions with St Augustine show that learners from both schools are benefitting greatly from this relationship. It is a wonderful learning experience for both schools, and we look forward to nurturing this relationship with St Augustine in various ways in the future.
A few weeks ago. trials took place for the Eastern Cape Aquatics team and the results of the girls who made the team are as follows: U/14: Kyra Mack, Isla Minderon and Zandri Knoetse , U/15: Jenna Coetzee
Our Community Outreach Prefects, Mrs Vanderlinden and Mr Batista are collaborating with the Academic Committee on offering tutoring to Grade Twelve learners of St James Roman Catholic Secondary School. This programme is named the S2.
On 23 March, Collegiate continued what was interrupted by Covid-19 by resuming the programme, and were welcomed by the girls of St. James with cheerful smiles and minds eager to learn. Although it was merely an introduction, it lay a firm foundation for the future successes of this peer tutoring initiative which continued in Term Two.
As Collegiate girls, we are extremely fortunate to be in a position where we can help others learn and, as a result thereof, further enlighten ourselves.
We thank Mrs Lotz too for her oversight of this initiative.