Weekly Activities News 20-03-2023 to 21-03-2023

28 Mar 2023


One of our weekly Intramurals, Art Enrichment, went on an excursion to study the art collection of the Mandela Art Museum. There are many fine examples of art works featured in the Visual Arts curriculum. Mrs Jones, our enthusiastic and driven Visual Arts teacher, is making a difference by being an educator who enriches the lives of students with these outings.


The gorgeous moms of our Collegians who have kindly volunteered to serve the school met in The Games Club to meet and greet. Known as MACs (Mothers at Collegiate), they attend to the details of the school to beautify our spaces. We are grateful to our moms for their assistance. 


The Grade 11 learners headed off to the Working World exhibition at The Feather Market Hall on 16 March for an insightful expedition where they were able to learn more about their career choices, university applications and bursary qualifications. Mia Jack enjoyed the variety of stalls that were offered as it showed her how many different opportunities were available, Emma Johnstone found that the representatives were very informative and helped her to fully understand the different careers and Hannah Stiglingh was able to gain a greater view of new careers which interest her and felt that it was a very well-run event. Overall, the learners thoroughly enjoyed their time there and found it very useful for their big career decisions which are fast approaching.


Our tennis players were invited to play in the opening weekend for the Africa Padel courts at Old Grey Sports Club. The girls had a wonderful time playing mixed doubles with Grey. An interview with the owner of the courts was aired on SABC, and we caught sight of our tennis players enjoying the new game on television.


The coastline around the southern tip of Africa is known for stowing secrets of treasures and sailors whose peril was the currents of our seas. The Collegians who ventured on a hike with Mr Marriott on Friday afternoon enjoyed the mini retreat of sun, sea and air. Comfortable exercise, like a walk-through nature, speaks to the mind as it does to the body. We only have to listen...


Collegiate's First Team Hockey are off to a good start after a successful and productive start in East London. The team participated in the annual Greg Beling Festival, which is an ideal preparation for the upcoming season. As it attracts teams from all over the country.

We are excited to announce the following results:

- Defeated Voortrekker 4-2

- Defeated Union High 6-1

- Drew with Menlo Park 0-0

- Drew with Parel Vallei 1-1


Thandiwe Ndzombane from Youth Development Desk at Rotary who is a former teacher working as a property practitioner at Just Property, was invited to speak to the Interact Club about the importance of community work and involvement in their own communities beyond school. Focusing on how they can use their skills to help those around them, the learners gained much insight from Ms Ndzombane's experience.


Our Community Outreach Prefects, Mrs Vanderlinden and Mr Batista are collaborating with the Academic Committee on offering tutoring to Grade Twelve learners of St James Roman Catholic Secondary School. This programme is named the S2.

On 23 March, Collegiate continued what was interrupted by Covid-19 by resuming the programme and were welcomed by the girls of St. James with cheerful smiles and minds eager to learn. Although it was merely an introduction, it lay a firm foundation for the future successes of this peer tutoring initiative which will fully commence next term.

As Collegiate girls, we are extremely fortunate to be in a position where we can help others learn and, as a result thereof, further enlighten ourselves.

We thank Mrs Lotz too for her oversight of this initiative.


Chess matches placed Pearson as the winners. Jessica Murray was joint first place by winning all five games she played, but came second on a tiebreaker. Westville stood in third place. marvel Tendayi was placed sixth out of 37 players for winning four out of 5 games.


The Madibaz tournament took place from 17 to 19th March. The U/14A, u/16A and first team participated. The results were as follows:

The following outcomes were achieved:

The U/14A Team played a total of eight games, winning two, drawing one, and losing four.

The U/16A Team lost to Seven X by 13-7 but emerged victorious against Alogoa Bay (18-1), Madibaz 1 (14-3), Zebras (15-6), Linkside (19-7), and Park (14-3).

The First Team drew with Moonlight Stars (15-15) and Framesby Club (4-4), and won against Mclachlan High School (17-6), Rhodes University (13-6), Bush Bucks (15-7), G Force (15-7), DSG (20-4), and Madibaz (11-9). These six wins and two draws enabled us to reach the semi-finals, though we suffered our first and only loss of the tournament. Nevertheless, we maintained our composure and never gave up.

Last weekend, the U/14B Team participated in the Alex Netball Festival, losing to Alex by a mere point but triumphing over Westering (8-6), Woodridge (9-7), and Urban Aademy (17-1).

We extend our best wishes to the First team, who will depart on Wednesday for the St. Andrews tournament in Joburg. Additionally, we wish the U/14 and U/16 teams the best of luck for their tournament in Paarl this holiday.


A few weeks ago trails took place for the Eastern Cape Aquatics team and the results of the swimmers who made the team are as follows:

U/14 : Kyra Mack, Isla Minderon and Zandri Knoetse

U/15: Jenna Coetzee

Well done to all the girls who made the team.

We celebrate Jenna Coetzee's swimming accomplishment. She has just returned from the SA National Junior Swimming Competition held in sun-drenched Durban. Not only did Jenna break the Eastern Province100m Back Stroke but bagged nine medals: three gold, three silver and three bronze.


It is always delightful receiving the photos of the beautiful horses who carry our dear equestrian girls. Here we see Eden Jonker atop her horse, Franlaren Beau de le Breyer, where they participated in the 2023 Reonet Classic at the PE Riding Club this weekend. Adding to Eden's collection of accomplishments, she was awarded First Place Champion in the 70cm class. We are proud.

IN MEMORIAM Dulcie Floweday 1919-2023

Upon the reopening of schools this year, Mrs Erasmus reported in the "Start of Term One Newsletter", of her meeting a Collegiate Old Girl in the holiday at her retirement home in Gauteng.

Dulcie Floweday née Roberts, who matriculated in 1936 from Collegiate was 103 at the time Mrs Erasmus made her acquaintance. Dulcie still spoke fondly of Collegiate and remembered her time at the school well with many details highlighted in their conversation. Not only did Dulcie immerse herself in school life, but met the friends whom she would know for the better part of a century. Women in the twentieth century saw the motto of the Suffragettes, "Facta Non Verba", actualised in them gaining greater access to the economy and the snail's pace taken by the world to ensure their equality. It is in this world that Dulcie could start a business at sixty-five years old when she was windowed. When everyone else closed shop at sixty-five, Dulcie flung the doors open to become a successful entrepreneur.

A century! One hundred years - in fact, one hundred and four years- in which the world changed many times as the seasons galloped past young faces turning towards the autumn of their lives that soon becomes winter.

Having heard of the passing of Dulcie at one hundred and four years old, sadness stirs our hearts for life is fleeting and fragile. In the Monday Assembly we observed a moment of silence for Dulcie, Old Girl of the College.

"And when our journey's at an end,

And we must say our last goodbye,

Let's hope that we have left a blend,

Of love and light that will not die."