Weekly Activities News: 24-07-2023
Upon occasion, throughout history, leaders emerge from quiet service to be appointed in positions where their work could become visible as an inspiration to others. Having demonstrated the highest concern for Collegiate by applying herself diligently to the task of promoting Music and the endeavours of the Concert Band, supporting the Cultural and Marketing portfolios, and living an exemplary reflecting her character on campus, Hayley Libbrecht, was inaugurated into the Prefect Body of 2023. The revised constitution. governing the election of prefects, made provision for a deserving candidate, who though maintaining the dignity which the office of prefecture demands, merits inclusion into the learner leadership. The implication of the word ‘leader’ is that others, follow. At the announcement of her name, the resounding applause from her peers made clear that she is a leader whom others follow.
It is with delight that the Old Collegiate Girls Guild (OCGG) host a tea for the Matric class to motivate their participation in securing the continual growth of girls’ education. Without the support of our alumni armed with the tools Collegiate equips them to sharpen and shine while carving out their success, future generations of girls will not have the necessary resources for a changing world. The guest speaker, Emily Platte, from the Class of 2018 delivered an insightful reflection on the comforts of school in a wicked world for which the only preparation is to endure and survive. We are ever grateful to the hands who organised and served the food and refreshments with smiles.
Knitting together warmth and compassion.
To commemorate Nelson Mandela’s enduring legacy, the learners embarked on a heart-warming initiative, dedicating their 67 minutes to a collective act of kindness. The learners came together to knit squares and sew 180 blankets together for those in need.
The culmination of their efforts was a heart-warming distribution event. We were able to hand the blankets over to representatives from Mosaic, Nazareth House, Love Story and Thand’usana Babies Safe Home who could witness first-hand the spirit of generosity and compassion from the learners.
The impact of the learners’ efforts extended far beyond the blankets themselves. Their selfless service ignited a ripple effect of kindness throughout the school community. Students were inspired to explore other ways they could contribute, leading to various initiatives to address social issues and promote positive change.
The legacy of Nelson Mandela lives on through the actions and hearts of these young learners, reminding us all that we each have the power to make a difference, one stitch at a time.
Grey High School hosted the sold out production, Almost Maine, on Friday 21 July. The calibre of the acting, the beautifully crafted production and the evident enjoyment of the cast and crew made for a feel-good night. It was a joy to see our learners warmly welcoming the guests and ushering them to their seats, and it was amazing to see the talent and vibrancy of our learners on stage. The show, featuring stories of love, relationships and human interactions, was poignant, funny, sad, entertaining and thought-provoking. Our actresses displayed excellent timing of their lines, mature insight into characterisation and a deep understanding of what it is to love, to be vulnerable and to be human. It was hard to recognise our learners as they so fully took on their roles that one believed that they were young American adults in Maine rather than school children. There is a much pride in reporting on the exceptional manners of the Collegiate learners who attended as audience members. It was one of the many events where one felt immensely honoured to be part of the College.
The backstage crew and front of house team included Courtney Foster (Old Girl), Michaela McKerr, Aisha Mzokozeli, Esona Bona, Liphawu-Lethu Mama and Mishkah Burger.
The actresses were Katherine Wilson, Tannah van Wyk, Dion Dury, Lilly Grady, Motheo Chengwe, Charlotte Hutchinson, Zuzokuhle Ndum-Ndum, Sophie Brannigan, Ava Beary, Michaela McKerr and Sophia Wood.
Congratulations to Grey High School and the director, Nicci Schoeman. A special mention of Micheala McKerr who performed, worked backstage and on microphones, while giving much assistance to the director.
Estee Cockroft of Screen Smarts, who has been partnering with us in promoting responsible behaviour, recently presented their digital citizen workshops to the Grade Eight and Ten groups. A valuable tool for developing skills to navigate the digital world safely, Screen Smarts workshops have proven most valuable to our learners.
The Hockey matches against York School in George was a clean sweep of victories for our teams. The First Team Hockey won 2-1, the U/16A Team won 3-2 but the team of the day certainly was the U/14A Team who scored 6 goals with no rebuttal from the opponents.
It was a busy winter break for our learners and staff over the July holidays. Congratulations to Cassidy Williams on her selection to the South African u16B hockey side after representing Eastern Province u16A at the Inter-provincial tournament in Bloemfontein. Our Collegiate u16A Hockey coach, Mike Abrahams, was also selected as a National u16 Boys’ trainer and our very own Brooke Kruger officiated at the u18 Inter-provincial tournament.
It was great to be back in action after the school holiday as the hockey girls took on Framesby. Results were as follows:
1st won 7-0
2nds won 11-0
16A won 4-0
16B won 7-0
14A won 6-1
There exciting fixtures at the Collegiate Netball Festival over the last weekend of the holiday. The score in the 3/4 place play off was Collegiate 17 vs Claredon 15.
The winter holiday was no deterrent for the Netball Teams who were in good form in their Derby matches against Framesby High School.
14A lost 11-21
14B lost 6-19
14C lost 12-14
14D lost 9-19
14E lost 1-21
14E vs Framesby 14F lost 4-28
16A lost 18-38
16B lost 12-28
16C won 18-17
16D lost 12-26
1st vs Framesby 17A lost 22-24
19B lost 12-20
19C lost 14-26
19D won 16-10
Everyone has a success story - share your story to inspire others by completing the Google Form:
Congratulations to Leah Kilian who participated at the Western Shoppe South African Equestrian Youth Championships 2023 over the holidays. Leah and her companion Moonflight achieved the following results:
South African Junior Show Hunter champion
South African Junior Show Riding reserve Champion
South African Supreme Junior Show Horse
South African Supreme Junior Working Hunter horse
Member of the Eastern Cape Open showing team who won the interprovincial team gold medal
Member of the Eastern Cape 1.20 Showjumping team who won the interprovincial team gold medal
Well done Leah and Moonflight!