Weekly Activities News of 13-20 February 2023
The cricket teams were invited to be flag bearers at the ICC Women’s T20 Cup at St George’s Park where Australia and Sri Lanka were competing.
The girls jumped at the opportunity to be involved. It is with gratitude that we acknowledge Mr Beynon, Mrs Posthumus, Mrs Nel and Mr Marriott and the coach, Brooke Kruger, for organising everything at such short notice.
On Wednesday there was a rehearsal in anticipation for game day. The ICC staff, who took great care of the girls, ensured that not a toe was out of line. Finally, the match! It was an exemplary portrayal of sportsmanship which motivated and inspired everyone.
We appreciate the non- cricketing girls who stepped in at the last minute to help fill the spaces on the flags. It was beautiful to see girls who have never shown interest in cricket so excited at the thought of meeting celebrities. It is exhilarating to watch professionals play a sport loved by many. It is more special that they are women.
It is important for us to learn new skills, our Cricket Captain noted, so that we can develop further to teach the skills to other young women. With newly installed cricket nets, the sport is set to grow exponentially at Collegiate.
The U/14A Water Polo Team are congratulated on finishing 6th at the prestigious Dave Pitcairn Tournament. Hosting the country's top schools, this event is a highlight on the Water Polo calendar.
On Monday, 13 February, our Interact learners visited St Augustine's Primary School to present on the different love languages and how we can uplift others by applying them to our daily lives. Thereafter, the girls were taken on a tour of the school with its many positive spaces. Taking delight in the cheer that such environments bring to the lives of children, the humbling experience evoked gratitude for all we have.
A record number of prospective parents and their enthusiastic daughters filling the school for the first of our two Open Days. Each day concluded with excitement as visitors were departing from our campus. Circulating the school from a performance of "Mamma Mia" by the Vocal Ensemble to an expo of our Intramurals where treats awaited our guests, the variety on offer was astonishing. Outside, the late afternoon glowed with the sunset. It was the perfect time to observe the sports activities including Synchronised Swimming. It is because of the educational philosophy we embrace that our girls have opportunities to encounter the world holistically. Having taken over the baton to lead the Collegiate Concert Band, Ms Mbengashe conducted our musicians in the elegant setting of the Auditorium during the second evening of Open Day. The tour groups were enthralled by the reposeful performance of the brass, woodwind and percussion instruments that unify as a band. For her organisational skills and gentle management, we extend our gratitude to Mrs Carter who organised Open Day, a key event on the Collegiate calendar.