News articles

Meet Dulcie Floweday née Roberts, Class of 1936
In the school holidays of 2022, the Principal, Mrs Louise Erasmus, visited Collegiate Old Girl, Dulcie Floweday née Robert, Class of 1936, The experience was a special one for Mrs Erasmus and for the staff, learners and the Collegiate Community as Mrs Erasmus shared the experiences of Dulcie and the lessons we can learn from her.

School shoe collection
There was much cheering as the matrics finished their exams in December. Inside the venue, it was a sea of school shoes donated to those who still have a journey to walk.
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At the final assembly for 2022 we handed over a cheque to Mr Selwyn Willis, the CEO of the Community Chest of the Eastern Cape, for an amount of R72 025.57 raised through the 2022 edition of Collegiate Carols.

OCGG Seniors’ Tea: November 2022
The principal's address at the OCGG Team reflects on the school's activities and progress with nostalgia.
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Scarf for alumnae
Heather Dutton joined Collegiate Girls’ High School in April 2022 in the capacity of Development and Fundraising Officer. When asked in her interview what one of the first things she would implement if successful in securing the position, she answered that it would be a scarf so that Old Girls could be identified as such when returning to their alma mater.
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There was much excitement on 2 November when a number of the Grade 9 dancers performed for their peers. Organised by the Afrikaans Department in lieu of their prescribed setwork, we were treated to a selection of different dance styles. It was an upbeat farewell to Grade 9 and good wishes for the examination.
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